Call for Submissions
The Melville Society of Japan (MSJ) welcomes essays in English on Herman Melville. The length of articles should be less than 5,000 words, including the endnotes and Works Cited. For more details, please consult the latest edition of the MLA Handbook (New York: Modern Language Association of America).
Submissions should be sent as a WORD (doc or docx)
document to the MSJ Editorial Office ( by August 20. Your e-mail subject line should read: “Submission for SKY-HAWK.” At the beginning of your essay, please add a cover page with the
author’s name, affiliated institution, and the title of the article.
Only members of MSJ may submit articles to its journal. A member can submit one article for each issue. Manuscripts submitted will not be returned. Authors will be notified of the Editorial Board’s decisions by the end of September. After an essay is accepted for publication, the contributors are allowed only first-proof correction, in which they must limit their proof-reading strictly to typographical errors, without changing or adding to what has been written.